
Fluorescents flicker, sending light into dark. 
In expectation of sweat, a favorite towel is unfurled.
Heft of an empty bar, placed in the rack, and 
brushed with briskness to heighten knurling's caress.

How, for a moment, preemptive mental sets 
form deeply dreamt success;
and now it is time . . . 

over which effort builds upon attempts.

At the summit there is grinding,
eyes blind to all else
until again,
the wait 

The pain awaiting
The waiting, again . . . 

A gain . . . 
Waiting ahead.   

You gotta be a lifter to know what in hell that rough wee piece of fluff is about, I suppose. And if you are, I do indeed welcome you here! Onward, upward and outward and remember one thing above all: 


All right already. I'll fess up to spending more time than the recently-usual amount with this thing/stuff/poem-deal here. I wanted to write a lifting poem, not that bloody lifting, not an optimistic and lilting poem that lifts . . . A WEIGHTLIFTER'S POEM YOU NINNY! Waiting for the bus I played in my head with waiting, again, and a gain. On the train I wished I had a scrap of paper or even a pen so it hadda be in the head, and on a side note, doing crossword puzzles without a pencil is cool too, 'cause, he blathered boldly on, you have to remember all the already done fillzed in answers in that silly head-a-yours. Where was I? On the train, yeah, goin' to work at the library on Sunday, trying to "see the world today" without naming or use of symbol-labels and sadly indeed sans Chevrolet while writing this lifting poem. Okay, you've stopped reading by now I hope. Counting the McThinking time there, and the write-typing and go back editing the fucking thing time, well, I'm gonna give this one two hours as a marker of whether or not I have worth to others, okay? But honestly I'm lying. After having my heart broken last night by a loved one or two I did spend around 30, 45 minutes tops with this idea shortly following that series of events.

Does the sleepy time count? May have dreamed/dreamt about it and do not know fer sure with all that much certainty. No matter, fuck off and enjoy your writing!